Objavte projekt Erasmus+ "COMPASS" E-kariérový poradca v neustále sa meniacom svete 21. storočia – inovatívne metódy na podporu služieb elektronického kariérového poradenstva“, ktorý je určený kariérovým poradcom na rozvoj digitálnych zručností s cieľom uľahčiť digitálne poradenstvo.
"COMPASS project outcomes are creditable. Career development education is integrated in the curriculum of the University of Applied Labour Studies. The project delivers further topics and methods for modules like “complex counselling situations”, “video counselling” or “counselling processes” and is taught across different subjects and scientific disciplines. The project offers innovative methods and tools in career counselling that could be successfully integrated into existing study programmes on all levels (bachelor, scientific training and master programmes)."
Prof. Dr. Ralph Conrads - Professor of "Labour Market Integration" in research and teaching at the University of Applied Labour Studies (Campus Mannheim, Germany).
"To embrace the innovation and change brought by ICT, career-guidance practitioners need adequate training and support. COMPASS training modules are specifically aimed at facilitating changes in attitudes to ICT among those working for career-guidance services. Thank you, project COMPASS team"
Andrea Agbo. InnoVision Concepts GmbH
"The curriculum developed within the COMPASS project is highly innovative and intriguing. As a career counsellor, I can say that it covers topics and deepens knowledge that reflects on the challenges of the 21st century. It also overcomes the physical limitations of face-to-face counselling, making it attractive also to professionals working with young people starting their career. For young people, interaction that cannot be transferred into virtual space is less attractive. Thank you for the chance to be involved in the trial of the blended learning training material, I will definitely incorporate the knowledge acquired in my daily work. I wholeheartedly recommend it to all professionals!"
Hanna Mária Hertelendy, Career Office of the University of Pécs, career counsellor
Projekt COMPASS sa v súčasnosti realizuje v Nemecku, na Slovensku, v Maďarsku, v Holandsku a vo Francúzsku.